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    CICAP's activities

    CICAP (Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) was born on January of 1989 thanks to the work of the scientific journalist Piero Angela and many outstanding italian scientists, including three Nobel Prize winners. For the occasion, Lorenzo Montali spent two months in Buf

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    Organisation data Status: non-profit organisation Publication: Scienza & Paranormale (bimonthly magazine of CICAP) No. of subscribers: 2000 Distribution: 2800 Rates: € 35.00 (6 issues/year) in Italy - $. 40.0 (all other countries) payment should be made by International Money Order to: CICAP P.O.

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    Skeptical Bibliography

    Indice1 ETs and UFOs 2 The Paranormal & the Psychic3 Alternative Medicine4 Junk Science and Pseudoscience 5 Cryptozoology 6 Frauds and Hoaxes 7 Occult and Supernatural 8 Science and Critical Thinking ETs and UFOs Frazier, Kendrick. (ed.) The Ufo Invasion : The Roswell Incident, Alien Abductions,

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