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    Testing a miracle by means of tamper-proof containers

    - J. Soc. Psyc. Res., 61, 846 , 314 (1997) - Indice1 INTRODUCTION2 EXPERIMENTAL SUBJECT3 METHODOLOGY4 RESULTS5 CONCLUSIONS6 References and Notes INTRODUCTIONWhen testing psychic claimants, the need often arises to let the person take away some target material from the laboratory, in order to try to

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    Chi ha paura del paranormale religioso?

    Carissimo Massimo, le dico subito che non ho mai letto i suoi libri, non perchè non siano interessanti, ma perchè preferisco comprare alti testi, e visto che i libri hanno cifre alte scelgo attentamente quelli da acquistare. L'ho seguita varie volte però in televisione, e devo dirle, che concordo

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    Faith or deception

    The faithful are seeking miracles and finding them -- they believe -- in unlikely forms and places. These include apparitions of the Virgin Mary (in the Bosnian village of Medjugorje, beginning in 1981), bleeding statues and crucifixes (Quebec, 1985), and the portrait of Mary seen in a splotch on a

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